Nice find!
Slicest bread was the greatest invention since the invention of...errm....shit wait...<mind explodes>
sliced bread sold for the first time, july 7, 1928. .
Nice find!
Slicest bread was the greatest invention since the invention of...errm....shit wait...<mind explodes>
this is what happened.
i had a sore tendon in my wrist.
i could work with it, but nevertheless the pain was there.
If it's only a matter of self-deceit, then why can't we all "self-deceit" ourselves free of pain?
It's not only a matter of self deceit. I can see at least 3 causes of pain exist:
Of course 1 can be a result of stress caused by 3, and vice versa. There are probably more causes as well.
But for me, the most important thing is that neither of the 3 causes makes the pain less real.
The treatment may be different, but there should be no labeling like 'this guy's pain is brain-only, so he should just shut up about it'. Just because the brain interprets pain without nerves actually firing pain signals doesn't mean it's just imagined pain.
That looking in a mirror can take away real pain is intriguing. That being gently touched for a second can take away real pain is intriguing as well.
Anyway, like you I think it's very interesting stuff. Given that our bodies are most likely hacked together by adapting existing functions to new environments over many millions of years, I wouldn't be surprised if some functionality we officially don't possess is still available to some.
Such as the possibility to sense (even very weak) electrical fields, as some other animals can do.
And our bodies may be much more internally connected and less function-separated than we assume. Already studies are suggesting that our gut is a 'second brain'....sending many signals to our brains, and likely being a main source of emotions.
Jup. Interesting stuff.
i was able to sign out thanks.
not that knowledgeable about computers can you tell?
i have used a username that i'm nervous my husband might recognize if he were to find this site.
There is a sign out button in the top menu? Haven't tried it but I guess it works?
hi.i am disfellowshipped and separated from my jehovahs witness wife and i am having custody problems with my 13 year old daughter.she has been advised by her mother that she does not have to listen to me and so she dictates to me when she comes to seems i have lost any fatherly authority and my ex wife has given my daughter the ability to go against my wishes in regards to custody arrangements.having grown up a witness i understand that even though a parent is disfellowshipped the child must still obey the biblical command to be obedient to there also teaches that the wife must support her ex husband in regards to parenting.i am trying to find any watchtower/awake articles that support any case i would appreciate any links ,information or advice.. regards pat..
I'm with AnneB on this.
This is not a religious issue. This is a legal issue, and a family issue.
A parent has absolutely no right to turn their child against their other parent. Both the child and the parent have a right to a normal relationship with each other, without the other parent interfering. Contact your lawyer on how to proceed; mediation would probably be better than going to court right away.
And what Millie said: try to make your daughter love every minute she spends with you. In the long run, there are not much children in the world who choose field service and meetings over having real friends and fun.
Focus on the long term while building yhe relation with your daughter. It's better to suffer a bit now, and have a good relationship with your her in years to come, than the other way around.
Btw I'm your daughter willing to listen to her mother and ignore you because your daughter is really into the cult? Or just because she's a teenager eager to not listen to her parents (now with permission)? Or because you already have a bit of a strained relation with her (regardless of the cult)?
i was able to sign out thanks.
not that knowledgeable about computers can you tell?
i have used a username that i'm nervous my husband might recognize if he were to find this site.
Most internet browsers have a private mode, to make sure your browsing history is not visible.
To activate this mode
this is what happened.
i had a sore tendon in my wrist.
i could work with it, but nevertheless the pain was there.
Simon's post suddenly reminds me of phantom pain: pain that one can feel in amputated limbs. So your left foot hurts, while you don't even have a left leg at all. Talking about the brain making stuff up.
This phantom pain in amputated limbs can be treated: using a mirror, so the eyes see the reflection of the remaining healthy limb at the location of the amputated limb.
When the healthy limb moves, so does the reflection...and the brain starts to assume both limbs are present and healthy.....reducing the phantom pain.
this is what happened.
i had a sore tendon in my wrist.
i could work with it, but nevertheless the pain was there.
Seemingly miraculous events that JW attribute to demons are attributed to angels by other people - and vice versa.
We already know JW don't really know anything about probably their ideas about demons are wrong as well.
I tend to think like OrphanCrow on this, but I can't offer any evidence to back it up.
Of course, even if the explanation stays unknown, there is no reason to conclude that it thus must have been demons/angels/aliens/karma/whatever.
please private message me if you have been on this website from the beginning.. im talking blondie, data dog, outlaw, people like that.. need urgent help.
thank you.
See PM.
please private message me if you have been on this website from the beginning.. im talking blondie, data dog, outlaw, people like that.. need urgent help.
thank you.
As Simon said: there's urgent and there's important.
Your issue is very important, but less urgent. There is no need to act today.
Please take your time before you do anything.
It's very wise to ask for advise as you are doing now.
I'll respond further in pm ASAP.
two jws came to my door recently.
i asked one of them to read ecclesiastes 9:5 for me.
i then asked them if all living jws are knowing or believing or are conscious that they will die.
God's (supposed) wisdom: (Ecclesiastes 9:5 NWT) 5 For the living are conscious that they will die;
Satan's (supposed) lie: (Gen 3:4) At this the serpent said to the woman: “You positively will not die."
Jehovah's Witnesses claim in 1918: "Millions Now Living Will Never Die”